How the Program Works
Catch a Fish in Ontario
Catch one of the accepted species, in season (as per the Ontario Fishing Regulations), in a waterbody in Ontario and take its measurement. If the fish is equal to or above the minimum qualifying length it can be entered into the program.
Accepted Species
Species | Qualifying Length | Photo Length |
Black Crappie | 10.00" | 14.00" |
Bluegill | 9.00" | 12.00" |
Brook/Speckled Trout | 18.00" | 25.00" |
Brown Trout | 21.00" | 28.00" |
Carp | 30.00" | 36.00" |
Chinook Salmon | 36.00" | 42.00" |
Coho Salmon | 30.00" | 38.00" |
Lake Trout | 26.00" | 36.00" |
Largemouth Bass | 18.00" | 22.00" |
Muskie | 36.00" | 44.00" |
Northern Pike | 30.00" | 40.00" |
Pumpkinseed | 9.00" | 12.00" |
Rainbow Trout | 21.00" | 30.00" |
Rock Bass | 10.00" | 13.00" |
Smallmouth Bass | 17.00" | 21.00" |
Splake | 20.00" | 28.00" |
Walleye | 25.00" | 32.00" |
Whitefish | 22.00" | 26.00" |
Yellow Perch | 12.00" | 14.00" |
Enter your Catch Online
Once you have caught a qualifying fish you will require an online account to enter the program (one account per email address). Simply register for your free Ontario Angler Awards account and access your account to enter your catch.
All new entries will require validation from our team and will appear as “pending” until validation is complete. Once your entry is validated it will appear online and you will be able to download a personalized certificate recognizing your achievment.
If you catch more fish simply log in to your account each time you want to enter your catch.
Program Awards
Each qualifying angler will be eligible to download a personalized certificate recognizing their achievement.